Orleans Parish County Civil District Court

Court Type:District Court
Street Address:421 Loyola Ave.
City:New Orleans
Zip Code:70112
Hours:Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Website URL:https://www.orleanscivildistrictcourt.org/
Judge:Hon. Paulette Irons
Judge Phone:504-407-0320
Judge Fax / Email:
Clerk:Chelsey Richard Napoleon
Clerk Phone:504-407-0000
Clerk Fax:504-592-9128
Clerk Email:crnapoleon@orleanscdc.com
Parking:Parking is provided free to Jurors at 300 LaSalle Street (See map on Summons). You will receive a validation sticker each time you park for jury service for this location only. Validation stickers are only valid until 7:00pm the same day. If you chose to park in a different lot, you will not be reimbursed nor will your parking be validated. No other transportation fees will be paid. YOU SHOULD NOT PARK AT A PARKING METER. The court will not be responsible for any parking violation tickets.
Restrictions:The following will not be permitted in Court: short shorts, tank tops, dark glasses, caps, hats, camera phones.
Forms & Filing:https://www.orleanscivildistrictcourt.org/ordersforms
Divisions / Services:http://www.orleanscivilclerk.com/civil_depts.html
Jury Service:https://www.orleanscivildistrictcourt.org/jury-services
ADA:ADA Ombudsman, Judicial Administrator's Office
ADA Phone:504-407-0370
About / Additional Info:The Orleans Civil District Court is one of Louisiana’s 43 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction of all civil matters in Orleans Parish  There are nine elected divisions of court in the Orleans Civil District Court.