Court Type: | City Court |
State: | LA |
County: | Caddo |
Street Address: | 1244 Texas Ave. |
City: | Shreveport |
Zip Code: | 71101 |
Phone: | 318-673-5830 |
Fax: | 318-673-5813 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Brian H. Barber |
Judge Phone: | 318-673-5885 |
Clerk: | Bill Whiteside |
Clerk Phone: | 318-673-5820 |
Clerk Fax: | 318-673-5813 |
Clerk Email: | |
Parking: | Parking Entrance 1246 Murphy St. |
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar: | |
Languages: | English |
Email: | |
Facebook: | |
About / Additional Info: | The Shreveport City Court consists of four elected judges and their support staff. The court comprises several divisions which provide the necessary support to the judges, the legal community, and the citizens of Shreveport in Ward 4. Shreveport City Court has jurisdiction over all violations of city ordinances and concurrent jurisdiction over state misdemeanor cases. The court also has jurisdiction over civil matters, evictions, and matters involving peace bonds. |