Court Type: | City Court |
State: | LA |
County: | Ouachita |
Street Address: | 2303 North 7th St. |
City: | West Monroe |
Zip Code: | 71291 |
Phone: | 318-396-2767 |
Fax: | 318-396-2738 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Jim Norris |
Judge Phone: | 318-396-2767 |
Clerk: | Charlene Crocker |
Clerk Phone: | 318-396-2767 |
Clerk Fax: | 318-396-2738 |
Clerk Email: | |
Languages: | English |
Email: | |
About / Additional Info: | The Court is comprised of several divisions with a staff that provides the necessary support to the judge, the legal community and the citizens of West Monroe and Ward 5. These include: -Civil Division-Juvenile Division-Misdemeanor Criminal/Traffic Division-Probation |